Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems Research Course

November 11-16, 2019

In this spinoff course, GREAT and the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI)  deployed a customized gender integration course for breeders and social scientists. The course adopted  a participatory hands-on approach that equips participants with skills to conceptualize, design and plan appropriate gender-responsive research, and to analyze, interpret, and integrate qualitative and quantitative sex-disaggregated data.

Custom Course For

Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Legume Systems

Learn more

Connect with our team for more information about course opportunities.


Course Objectives

  • Recognize the relevance of gender to agriculture and plant breeding in sub-Saharan Africa
  • Explain key concepts pertinent to market and gender-responsive plant breeding
  • Conduct gender-responsive breeding priority setting
  • Demonstrate the ability to design a gender responsive breeding program that draws on mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative methods)
  • Recognise what it takes to conduct interdisciplinary research



GREAT’s training team draws from diverse experts with deep experience in areas including plant breeding, gender theory, community development, sociology, communications, monitoring and evaluation, participatory research, rural development, and more

Grace Bantebya

Grace Bantebya Kyomuhendo

Makerere University

brenda boonabaana

Brenda Boonabaana

Makerere University

Margaret Najjingo Mangheni

Margaret Mangheni

Makerere University

Richard Miiro

Richard Miiro

Makerere University

Peace Musiimenta

Peace Musiimenta

Makerere University

Hale Ann Tufan

Hale Ann Tufan

Cornell University

Eva Weltzien

Eva Weltzien

Independent Consultant